The good enough marriage


You don’t need NFL training to hurl a pizza across a New York City apartment. I found this out as I ducked to avoid my husband’s dinner (he didn’t fling it at me, he claims). “They folded the slices,” he bellowed. “Ruined.” I bit my tongue hard — but not, unfortunately, before “Did you lose your nappies?” slipped out (nappies being what they call diapers in England, which is where he’s from and where, at this point, I was wishing he had stayed). Big mistake. He went off like a car alarm, the honk-honk-beeeep-honk of his tirade so familiar, I’d long since learned to tune it out by doing guided imagery

What is guided imagery?

Freedom beckons intoxicatingly, but then I wonder if my expectations aren’t unrealistic — whether I’ve got the makings of a good marriage but am foolishly holding out for perfect. Paul Amato, Ph.D., professor of sociology, demography, and family studies at Penn State, conducted a 20-year study on 2,000 subjects who started off married, and says 55 to 60 percent of divorcing couples discard unions with real potential.

At the point when someone is throwing a pizza around the house, possibly at you, I think you can safely say the marriage is broken. One of the many issues that got lost in the Tiger Woods saga was the domestic violence, if you have ever been with someone that would come after you with a golf-club(which I have) the the temptation to cheat just to be around someody normal is pretty high; and normal can just mean somebody who isn’t violent.
The obsession with staying in bad marriages seems to be an outgrowth of our child worshipping culture where couples think they should stay together for the children. I doubt keeping children in a situation where they get to observe adults acting in a violent or childish manner all their lives is good for them, and it certainly isn’t good for the adults in the family either.

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7 Responses to The good enough marriage

  1. I read this and thought of you, JR:

    If no one has kids, when you are old, you will starve.

    Hope you’re doing well. I’ve got Cornell winning 2 games in my bracket.

  2. John Rove says:

    I don’t like kids either but I don’t think we should eat them.

    Cornelle will be lucky to get one win, but just being there is better my alma mater, CU, where a successful season means no one got arrested.

  3. Wisconsin will be playing scared, now!

  4. John rove says:

    Go Cornell!!

  5. John Rove says:

    Wow, I will never doubt Mr Bettor when it comes to basketball predictions again. Although since he only predicted that Cornell would win two games I will bet that Mr Bettor is hoping he is wrong about their next game.

  6. You’d be right, Big Red looks really sharp. I knew about the offense, but figured the team looked a little like the Princeton teams of the Nineties. But they do have a couple of bigger guys in the paint. What I didn’t realize is how good their defense is. Reminds me of the Celtics defense during their 2008 run. Just stifling.

  7. John Rove says:

    It would be cool to see an Ivy League school get into the final four. That might even restore my faith in college sports.

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