No Megan debt is not income

Megan McCardle is a little clueless when it comes to finances:

But do I think I would be noticeably more likely to die if I did give up my policy? Certainly not for the next twenty years, because I am unlikely to get cancer much before 65, and everything else that might kill me would be treated on an emergent basis, where insurance probably wouldn’t affect my outcomes nearly as much as the fact that I am an upper middle class professional with a (soon to be) husband who writes about health care policy for a living and a father who used to work for the New York City health and hospitals corporation, both of whom will no doubt be sitting on top of the doctors and the hospital bureaucracy to make sure I get excellent care. At 65 I qualify for Medicare, if it hasn’t bankrupted the government.

Morbidity? Maybe. But we’re more likely to take out a second mortgage to cover physical therapy than we are to go without.

(Bolding mine)
She seems to forget that someone has to be willing to give you a second mortgage and without equity that might be a problem plus you still have to pay that loan back, and without income that might also be a problem. I feel sorry for the guy she is about to marry as she seems to assume that he is going to take care of her, no matter what stupid thing she does. I hope she is hot because she sure isn’t smart.

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