Monthly Archives: February 2010

Proud Right-wing terrorists

The family of Bin Laden wannabe Joe Stack speaks, and they are pretty disgusting.

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From the broken clock department

FOX news sort of gets something right: This week, a couple of conservative hosts on the Fox Business Channel seemed deeply concerned about premium rate hikes from California’s Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. They weren’t troubled by what the increases … Continue reading

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Is curling the only sport in the winter Olympics

Every time I try to watch the Olympics it is either Curling, or Hockey, which is really just Curling with pads. What happened to ski-racing and snowboarding? You know real sports.

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Over the past few years, I would say one of the few good decisions I have made was to buy a home, but it would seem I am in the minority. It would be great to see some of the … Continue reading

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Utah and the South

This sure looks like a map of the 2008 election. I wonder if insurance companies, deep down, want health reform to pass. And, if someone would just give me my own half-pipe I could win the gold. Update: the half-pipe … Continue reading

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At least he is being specific

A Utah legislature wants to eliminate the twelth grade to save money: The sudden buzz over the relative value of senior year stems from a recent proposal by state Sen. Chris Buttars that Utah make a dent in its budget … Continue reading

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No Megan debt is not income

Megan McCardle is a little clueless when it comes to finances: But do I think I would be noticeably more likely to die if I did give up my policy? Certainly not for the next twenty years, because I am … Continue reading

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The road towards cynicism

I am starting to agree with stuff like this: Republicans, to their credit, tend to prioritize their vision of the national interests over issues of process and ego. Democrats, by contrast, seem to have mostly gotten into politics in order … Continue reading

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I wish I wrote this

I wish I could write this good: Bankers are not the cause of the global economic crisis, according to the president of the Institute for the Works of Religion. Rather, the cause is ordinary people who do not “believe in … Continue reading

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What I learned from the Super Bowl

Tim Tebow is really creepy: Given that the Focus on the Family ad which appeared during the Super Bowl was so bland, vague and disconnected to any actual point (except that tackling your mom in an incredibly Oedipal gesture is … Continue reading

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