Monthly Archives: January 2010

Tebow looks for a new career?

An ad may be the closest Tim Tebow ever gets to the Superbowl. I hope the major sports realize that christianity is about to do to them, what it did to the Republican party. Update. I wrote this before I … Continue reading

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The party of “no”

Republicans have taken obstructionism to whole new levels and they are not done yet: ….at this point, Republicans realize that they’re taking obstructionism to levels unprecedented in American history, and they realize that the public may disapprove, but they’re willing … Continue reading

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I watch too much TV

I really don’t think Micheal Schumaker is the the Stig, but you got to admire Schumaker for driving a Fiat 500 and unless you watch Top Gear that comment makes no sense, but if you are not watching Top Gear … Continue reading

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Talking to American’s like they are grown-ups

The state of the Union speech seems to have been very popular. I didn’t get to see much of it but I get the impression that Obama is being the anti-Reagan, where Reagan empasized magical solution, like tax cuts will … Continue reading

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Latest health-care rumors

This seems likely. If Democrats hope to avoid a complete electoral bloodbath in this years elections they better have some sort of decent health-care reform, with a provision for pre-existing conditions for everybody.

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Enough good?

From TPM: Like everyone I have a sob-story to tell about health care. After telling it to countless liberals who oppose the Senate’s health-care reform bill, I still haven’t heard a good answer from them about why they can’t support … Continue reading

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I have mine

I don’t think this problem gets enough consideration: All throughout the health care process progressives have found ourselves frustrated by the extent to which senior citizens—the beneficiaries of a liberal-style single-payer system—seem to have the most reactionary views on health … Continue reading

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What happened yesterday?

This post from seems to summarize it really well: LESSONS LEARNED…. Given that the results in Massachusetts were not quite what the political world was expecting as of, say, two weeks ago, there will be plenty of “what just … Continue reading

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How bad is Coakley?

If Kennedy’s senate seat goes to a republican some one will have some splainin to do: I don’t mean to get ahead of things. But I cannot help noting one blazingly obvious fact. If Michael Capuano had been the Democratic … Continue reading

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Children of the corn

Via Caveatbettor: When rats are fed GMO food, do they show signs of organ damage? You get your treatment group, your control group, your outcome measures, and you do an unpaired t-test between the two. These guys use “nonparametric methods,” … Continue reading

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A must have book

This book looks great although it might make me even more cynical. In an interview on last night’s Colbert Report, ‘Game Change’ co-author John Heilemann stressed that his new book is “as factually accurate as you can imagine.” “I like … Continue reading

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daddy issues?

Is America really looking for a father figure?

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Advice for students

This was presented as advice to law school grads but it might be good advice for just about any graduate, high school or college: Law schools have a responsibility to teach students how to be emotionally resilient and fiscally sensible … Continue reading

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Reagan’s America

Tax cuts pay for themselves and if you have seen one Redwood Tree you have seen them all. looks like people are starting to notice Reagan’s magical thinking doesn’t work: How on earth Will can write a column about the … Continue reading

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What’s in my burger

Looks like many chemicals are kept secret: Of some 84,000 chemicals being used commercially in the United States, some 20 percent — or 17,000 — are kept secret not only from the public, but from medical professionals, state regulators and … Continue reading

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The invinciple underwear bomber

Dick Cheney has been all over the place telling people they need to be afraid, and from the broken clock department David Brooks calls him out on it: That mature attitude seems to have largely vanished. Now we seem to … Continue reading

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Foreclosure crisis not over yet?

This makes sense to me: Mr. Katari contends that banks have been using temporary loan modifications under the Obama plan as justification to avoid an honest accounting of the mortgage losses still on their books. Only after banks are forced … Continue reading

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