Wisdom from movie reviews

Got this from a movie review at Pandagon:

In real life, being happy takes work. Good relationships take a lot of work. The offensive thing about movie romance isn’t its triteness; it’s its utter immaturity. We’re all supposed to be waiting for that one person to come along and give us the inspiration to be great and whole, which means that we’re not actually responsible for doing any of the work to become a good person. There’s supposed to be someone out there for each of us, and all it takes is a bare minimum of effort – certainly nothing more than an interrupted wedding and a few pratfalls – and voila! We have love!

I am not sure that being happy takes work so much as it takes a willingness to compromise in ways that some people are are unwilling t do, for example some people might be happier if they left the job they claim to hate, but don’t want to take a pay cut. Same with relationships once they become work it might be better to get out of them than keep working at them, as at least in my experience it just becomes more and more work.
My main point with this, however, is that in the real world many people see children as the magic elixer that is going to make them a better person and solve all their problems. Of course it doesn’t work, but it seems that people are told everyday about the joys of children when the reality is they are a lot of work and expense. Probably if your life or relationship has some problems having kids will make those problems worse.
The worst part about reading the review is it makes me want to go see up in the air, somehow I am pretty sure I will regret that choice later.

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2 Responses to Wisdom from movie reviews

  1. newskycars says:

    I don’t think wisdom are improved from movies but in real life when you want adopt the environment of that movie then you have to face a lot of difficulties and also at the end result will be negative but in movie you find it positive

  2. Health Insurance says:

    young and children are interested in movie reviews and waste a lot of time on these things

    i used this post at night when i think about my friends and family so i really thankful for providing very knowledgeable information for further help


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