Is it time to ban Micheal Vick?

Vick has not learned anything, nor have his fellow NFL players:

Sorry, Philly Eagles. Anything Michael Vick experienced is a result of his cowardice and cruelty in training innocent dogs to fight, then maiming, beating, shooting and abusing the ones who couldn’t “measure up.” It’s not “courage” to make a comeback in the NFL after doing time in lockup for that sadistic, sick behavior.

Michael Vick’s peers appreciate his tough journey back to the NFL. Vick won the Ed Block Courage Award, voted on by his teammates on the Philadelphia Eagles. The once-disgraced star quarterback returned to the league after spending 18 months in a federal prison for his role in a dogfighting ring.

…The Ed Block Award honors players who exemplify commitment to the principles of sportsmanship and courage. All 32 NFL teams select a recipient, and each winner will be honored at an awards ceremony in Baltimore on March 9.

”I’ve overcome a lot, more than probably one single individual can handle or bear,” Vick said. ”You ask certain people to walk through my shoes, they probably couldn’t do. Probably 95 percent of the people in this world because nobody had to endure what I’ve been through, situations I’ve been put in, situations I put myself in and decisions I have made, whether they have been good or bad.

Check out that humility. Holy mother of dog. It’s one thing to give the man a fresh start to work (some wouldn’t believe he deserved that), but to honor someone as having courage just because of the media circus he endured that evolved out of the dogfighting catastrophe makes me ill. It only tells me that his teammates and the Eagles need their moral compasses adjusted.

When Vick got caught dog fighting their were rumors that other NFL players were involved in dog fighting, I have always suspected that one of the reasons Vick got off pretty easy, from the NFL’s perspective is that he didn’t turn any of his fellow players in, looks like they are still paying him back for covering for them.

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