Health reform passes and looks pretty good

I really don’t get all the details of the health-reform bill but Ezra Klien who is much smarter than me and has spent a lot more time studying the bill says:

Bad a system as it might be, it’s the only one we’ve got, at least for now. This is what victory looks like. The slow, grinding, ineluctable advance of legislation that looks quite a bit like what you began with, albeit not identical. It’s not pretty, and it doesn’t necessarily feel like winning is supposed to feel. But this bill will do most of the things supporters hoped it would do: cover about 95 percent of all legal residents, regulate insurers, set up competitive exchanges, pretty much end risk selection, institute a universal structure that we can improve and enhance as the years go on, and vastly reduce both medical and financial risk for families.

It’s been a long time since the legislative system did anything this big, and people have forgotten how awful the victories are. But these are the victories, and if they feel bad to many, they will do good for more. As that comes clearer and clearer, this bill will come to feel more and more like the historic advance it actually is.

It is important to acknowledge we have a bad system and we are kind of stuck with it at the moment and this bill goes a long to fix some of the bigger problems that are current system has. Single-payer would be better but do to irrational market worship here in America we may not see that for a long time.
As Donald Rumsfield might say, “you get sick with the system you have not the systtem you want”, hopefully, health-care will work out better than the Iraq war.

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4 Responses to Health reform passes and looks pretty good

  1. the system will get worse. it will look the roads and public bathrooms and other common good tragedies. just wait.

  2. John Rove says:

    My experience with public roads has always been positive, over Christmas I drove from Denver to St George Utah, I definitely prefer rest stop bathrooms to truck stop bathrooms, generally the public rest stops were way cleaner and way newer.

  3. The federal highways are maintained better than the muncipalities’. You should try the BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway) regularly to understand where I’m coming from.

  4. John Rove says:

    I have only been to New York once, I am pretty sure driving there would be beyond me, I liked the subways though, even if they do have a little bit of a urine smell to them.

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