More from the it’s not perfect but should help

I think this post from Talkleft explains the new health-care bill pretty well:

The title of this post is a reference to myself (which is silly of course, while I am angry, I am hardly Left) and people like me. People who agree with the critiques made against the bill, who disagree with the the “regulatory reform” framework that bill elevates, who believe in the public insurance reform framework that would be undermined by the bill – but do not oppose the bill. How can I support passage of the bill? Well, I’m not there yet, but I can tell you why I do not oppose the bill – the expansion of Medicaid eligibility. Having the wealthy pay for public insurance for the less well off is an important good. I just can not bring myself to oppose the bill because of that

I agree with everyting here but would add that as long as the U.S insists on a for-profit health care system any reforms will be compromised, because the profit motive undermines good health-care.


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