FOX news sort of right

From the broken clock category of course she forgets to mention birth control will also work:

Camerota asked a guest — perhaps playing devil’s advocate — if there was benefit to a Democratic senator’s healthcare amendment which blocked federal funding for abortions.

“If there is no federal money used to subsidize abortions for low-income women, doesn’t that mean there will be more low-income babies, and do any of these amendments talk about the health care for them?” Camerota asked.

She says what most people know, which is one of the best ways to stay poor is to have children. Of course their are condoms and birth control pills that can prevent a pregnancy as well, but the right-wing seems to have forgotten about these devices.
One of the best anti-poverty programs the government could embark on would be comprehensive sex-education for everyone, will it happen? probably not? As sex-education seems to send wingers to the fainting couch.

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