Monthly Archives: December 2009

Wisdom from movie reviews

Got this from a movie review at Pandagon: In real life, being happy takes work. Good relationships take a lot of work. The offensive thing about movie romance isn’t its triteness; it’s its utter immaturity. We’re all supposed to be … Continue reading

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Health care in 2010

At least people are going to campaign on the issues: I don’t think Newt Gingrich necessarily speaks for the GOP these days. But he said over the weekend that he’s sure every Republican in 2010 and 2012 will run on … Continue reading

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Domestic violence against men on the rise?

First Tiger Woods then Chris Henry and now possibly Charlie Sheen: I’m calling first dibs. The question now: Was he trying to get the weapon away from her or was he threatening her with it? Given his lawyer’s statement that … Continue reading

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Terrorist attack?

Looks like another shoe bomber but without the shoe: A Nigerian man tried to light a powder aboard a commercial jetliner before it landed Friday in Detroit in what senior U.S. officials called an attempted act of terrorism. Flight 253 … Continue reading

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Is it time to ban Micheal Vick?

Vick has not learned anything, nor have his fellow NFL players: Sorry, Philly Eagles. Anything Michael Vick experienced is a result of his cowardice and cruelty in training innocent dogs to fight, then maiming, beating, shooting and abusing the ones … Continue reading

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Health reform passes and looks pretty good

I really don’t get all the details of the health-reform bill but Ezra Klien who is much smarter than me and has spent a lot more time studying the bill says: Bad a system as it might be, it’s the … Continue reading

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Misdirected prayers?

This has been all over the internet but it is still funny: Yesterday on C-SPAN, Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) fielded calls from viewers, one of whom raised the specter of misdirected prayers. “Our small tea bag group here in Waycross, … Continue reading

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More from the it’s not perfect but should help

I think this post from Talkleft explains the new health-care bill pretty well: The title of this post is a reference to myself (which is silly of course, while I am angry, I am hardly Left) and people like me. … Continue reading

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Quick thoughts on health-care

I had hoped to see a public option, in fact the best solution from my perspective would have been to open medicare up to everyone; the network of providers is already there and most people seem to love the service … Continue reading

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Not perfect but better than nothing

The health care as it stands now does some pretty good stuff. My guess is the requirement that eighty-five percent of revenues need to be spent on benefits will really help as insurance companies have just lost the incentive to … Continue reading

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Pass the bill already

This is from TPM: I am unemployed and have a pre-existing condition that requires daily medicines, quarterly doctors visits and an annual test. I am on COBRA, which runs out mid-2010, when I will have to find new health insurance. … Continue reading

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Back up and running

The site is back. Just in time for the big fight on health care reform. I really don’t know what to make of the new proposal, but I think it is safe to say Joe Lieberman cares much more about … Continue reading

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FOX news sort of right

From the broken clock category of course she forgets to mention birth control will also work: Camerota asked a guest — perhaps playing devil’s advocate — if there was benefit to a Democratic senator’s healthcare amendment which blocked federal funding … Continue reading

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A prayer for Rick Warren

Maybe we should pray for Rick Warren not to be so stupid: Not believing in a Supreme Being takes more faith than believing in one, according to Pastor Rick Warren. “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist,” Warren … Continue reading

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Whats at stake

I got this from TPM: I finally had to block emails from a couple of my cousins, because they were sending me thinly veiled racist diatribes about the death of America, Muslims, Democrats being the party of the big-city ghettos … Continue reading

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Five percent of the workforce is pedophiles?

Ross Douthat trys to explain the pedophile scandal in the Catholic Church and while trying to minimize the problem he drops this nugget: Philip Lawler claims that while less than five percent of priests were involved in actual abuse, over … Continue reading

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Football 2009

New Orleans looks really good and Vince Young looks like the comeback player of the year. The Colts seem to be cutting it a little close every week, but may be the best in the AFC. And, Jay Cutler has … Continue reading

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