Win two lose two

Yesterdays election was a mixed bag. Two governorships, Virginia and New Jersey went to Republicans but two congressional seats went to Democrats. What does this mean?
In my state Colorado the same dynamic seems to be working our current Democratic governor, Bill Ritter, has spent most of his term cutting state services in an effort to balance the budget and vetoed some progressive legislation in an attempt to appear moderate. He will probably lose in the 2010 election, although his opponent Scott Mcginnis is a self dealing moron.
Ritter should have immediately raised taxes and restored state services. He might have been unpopular at first, but over four years people would have seen the benefits of having a fully functioning government and he might have had a chance at re-election, now he is about to hand the state back to the party that created the mess in the first place.
Moral of the story, if you run as a Democrat act like one when you get into office.
My guess is that 2010 will not be a good year for Democratic governors but maybe the next time they are in power they will recognize that governing is about more than getting elected.

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