Do we need NASA?

I am starting to think it is time to get rid of NASA., after killing numerous astronauts on their unsafe space shuttles they have decided to endanger other animals.

“The beauty of this is that we can assess at different time points after exposure, so not only do we get a sense of rather immediate effects, but then we can look again at longer time points.

“That kind of information just hasn’t been available.”

After the radiation exposure, the monkeys can look forward to a lifetime of being looked after by staff and veterinarians at McLean Hospital.

Nasa said in a statement: “McLean Hospital is responsible for the lifetime care of the primates. No further research is planned for them at this time.”

This information should be available by examining the the long-term effects of people on the space shuttle and space station, they don’t need to do this to animals, they are just wasting money. Plus, monkeys are not prone to the same diseases as humans and they don’t live as long so it will be very difficult to see what the long-term effects really are on an animal that might live for thirty years, when the average age of an astronaut is probably mid thirties. This experiment is needless.

In addition the comment that their is “no further research planned at this time” is pretty carefully worded to allow for terminal experiments later. Which also takes care of the promise totake care of the monkeys for their “lifetime”.
NASA has been a national embarrasment long enough, lets shut it down.

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