
I am not sure I get the outrage on this one:

Checking the “female” box when buying health insurance is likely to cost extra — perhaps up to 50 percent more than a man would pay for the same coverage.

Gender-rating — or what some term as flat-out sexual discrimination — is linked to the simple fact that women, particularly those under age 50 or so, go to the doctor more often than men.

It seems like too many visits to the doctor can adversely effect your health and with each visit a person runs the risk of being treated for a condition that they may not have, so I can see why people who visit the doctor more should probably pay more for health insurance.
In some ways this shows the folly of for profit medical companies, a doctor has an incentive to have people come in for lots of tests and insurance comppanies have an incentive to keep those people off the their rolls. the end result is a lot of people get overtreated while many other people get no treatment at all.

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