Monthly Archives: October 2009

Jesus gets a golden shower

Bill Donhue of the Catholic league is not pleased

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More on the opt out compromise

I wonder if conservatives are starting to understand how unpopular opting out will make them at the local level and in addition I have a feeling that the states that are going to opt out are also the states that … Continue reading

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I am not sure I get the outrage on this one: Checking the “female” box when buying health insurance is likely to cost extra — perhaps up to 50 percent more than a man would pay for the same coverage. … Continue reading

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Unrelated thoughts

Finally got to watch some football yesterday, it seems Chicago is just good enough to narrowly miss the playoffs, just like the Denver Broncos of a year ago. And, it should be illegal to experiment on babies.

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Opting out

Looks like their may be a public option for health insurance with a clause that allows states to opt out if they don’t want to let their residents have the choice of public insurance. Other than the fact that this … Continue reading

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The best care in the world?

As the healthcare debate heats up opponents of reform argue the U.S has the best health care in the world. Maybe not so much: “McAllen is legal hell,” the cardiologist agreed. Doctors order unnecessary tests just to protect themselves, he … Continue reading

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At least use real facts

One of the strangest things to come out of the health care debate was the the Price Waterhouse report. At one time Price Waterhouse had a good reputation but after the report on the Baucus bill where at the direction … Continue reading

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