Stealing from Al

Thought I would re-post this as it seems especially relavant a few years later:

With mid-terms coming up soon, I wanted to share this list I came across at my local library:

1933 Unemployment Relief
1935 Social Security
1938 Minimum Wage
1944 GI Bill
1945 United Nations
1947 Marshal Plan
1949 NATO
1964 Civil Rights Act
1965 Medicare
1965 Voting Rights for all
1965 Head Start
1965 Federal Aid to Education
1967 Freedom of Information Act
1993 Family Leave Act
1990’s Federal Aid to Education
By my count, there are quite a few things on this list that the Republican Party is either against or is currently cutting while in power: Balanced Budgets (let alone creating a surplus), Social Security (GOP has hated this from the jump), Minimum Wage, United Nations (sending Bolton pretty much says it all), NATO (GOP bashed Clinton for participating in NATO missions), Head Start & Federal Aid to Education (funding reduced under Bush)…

This list represents what I’m proud of in terms of being an American, and in a lot of ways, it’s why I vote Democrat in most elections.

Hopefully in the near future healthcare reform, with a genuine public option,will be added to the list.

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