Monthly Archives: September 2009

More money and less kids will make us happy?

From Newsweek What we do need to be cautious of is leaping on the nascent science of positive psychology before we are certain that we are asking the right questions. The most recent findings, for example, are that wealth makes … Continue reading

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We should talk much more about population

Over the weekend I saw this article on population and climate change by Matthew Yglesias and he asks why people don’t talk about the benefits of small families. on the enviroment. Efficiency—just not using energy—is the cleanest source of energy … Continue reading

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And then they came for FOX News

This is truly stunning and a bit creepy More than anything I think it shows that angry paranoid people are always angry and paranoid even to their friends, and the FOX reporter does everything but tell the guy I am … Continue reading

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post racial America

Sometimes Rush Limbaugh makes a mistake and says what he is really thinking: In a remark extraordinary even by the standards of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio heavyweight declared on his program Wednesday that the United … Continue reading

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Say”goodbye” to the Democrats majority

The debate about the public option really isn’t policy debate at all. It is a no-brainer to implement a medicare like system that allows for reimbursement at the same scale as medicare, for everyone in America. The real debate is … Continue reading

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Joe Wilson the new face of the Republican party

During last nights speech Joe Wilson made a name for himself by heckling the president and in the process made Republicans look even smaller and more unreasonable. As the Washingtonmonthly explains There are a few important angles to this. The … Continue reading

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Stealing from Al

Thought I would re-post this as it seems especially relavant a few years later: With mid-terms coming up soon, I wanted to share this list I came across at my local library: 1933 Unemployment Relief 1935 Social Security 1938 Minimum … Continue reading

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right wing hysteria explained

I have not been able to get my mind around the republican hissy fit about Obama’s speech to school children until I read this post:, especially this part: We laugh at the wingnuts pulling their kids out of school, and … Continue reading

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Another “debt fueled” Crisis

One thing that does not seem to get enough attention is how much easy access to credit fuels price inflation. At least if you have wage inflation to go with the price inflation people are not stuck with bills they … Continue reading

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Medicare for all

One thing everyone seems to agree on in the health care debate is that Medicare is a great program. In fact several teabaggers have used their Medicare to pay for fixing them up after they start and then lose a … Continue reading

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