Maybe I was wrong about being wrong

I think Hillary could have handled this better. And apparentely so do other people.

Hillary’s KO in the Congo on Monday made the covers of both New York tabloids. Using tough hand gestures not seen since “The Sopranos” went off HBO, Hillary snapped back at an African college student who asked about the growing influence of China on Africa and then, according to the translator, wanted to know: “What does Mr. Clinton think?”

It turned out that the student was trying to ask how President Obama felt about it. But before he was able to clarify, the secretary of state flared: “Wait, you want me to tell you what my husband thinks? My husband is not the secretary of state. I am.”

This raw, competitive response showed that the experiment in using the Clintons as a tandem team on diplomacy may not be going as smoothly as we had hoped; once more, as with health care, the conjugal psychodrama drags down the positive contribution the couple can make on policy.

Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton have shown they can accomplish quite a bit together, for example the release of the reporter in North Korea, and working together they accomplished quite a bit in the nineties, for whatever reason Hillary Clinton seems to really resent the idea that Bill Clinton had anything to do with the couples success. I am sure their are some psychological insights to be gained from the Clintons but it might be better if they just concentrated on U.S foreign policy.

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