Monthly Archives: August 2009

Another suicide story

I am not sure what this story shows but it is pretty sad: Four American soldiers have been charged with cruelty and maltreatment of an 19-year-old soldier who committed suicide after being in Iraq for 10 days, the U.S. military … Continue reading

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Workplace suicides up

As someone who has been drifting around the workplace a little bit lately I can see why this is happening. It is really easy to get trapped into a job, because both their are not a whole lot of opportunities … Continue reading

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Micheal Vick is right back where he started

Does Micheal Vick deserve a second chance? Mr Bettor from the comments makes a great point, when he says convicted felons should be allowed to work. In fact recidivism would probably decrease if companies were not allowed to discriminate against … Continue reading

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I am done with the Eagles

In case you haven’t heard the Eagles signed Michael Vick. I just heard Andy Reid in an interview explaing that he felt the Eagles locker room was strong enough to help Micheal Vick become a batter person, Blay, Blah. First, … Continue reading

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Maybe I was wrong about being wrong

I think Hillary could have handled this better. And apparentely so do other people. Hillary’s KO in the Congo on Monday made the covers of both New York tabloids. Using tough hand gestures not seen since “The Sopranos” went off … Continue reading

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Maybe I was wrong

I take back some of the stuff I said about Hilary Clinton

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Why we need a public option

A anti-healthcare protestor looking for donations for his medical bills. If the guy really was assaulted I feel bad for him, but the irony is pretty thick.

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“What angry crowds?”

Micheal Steele trys to walk back from the brink of madness that is a republican at a healthcare townhall meeting. In a related note I am going to try to make it to a Townhall meeting in Boulder Colorado, it … Continue reading

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“Keep the government out of Medicare”

Right-wing activists seem to have a rallying cry: “Keep the government out of medicare”. This seems to show the problem with a rational health care debate, only one side is rational, and the other side is pretty clearly uninformed and … Continue reading

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