Universal health care an idea we can all live with

When you consider that not only is it cruel but very expensive to send the uninsured to the emergency room universal health care is going to be a bargain at almost any price.

A BARGAIN AT ANY PRICE — ESPECIALLY THIS ONE…. The “t” word — “trillion” — not only sounds intimidating, it seems outlandish. A thousand billions. It’s hard to even fathom.

And with House Democrats unveiling a health care reform package yesterday with a $1 trillion price tag — Senate Dems are aiming for the same figure — it’s likely opponents of reform hope the “t” word alone is enough to make the effort sound scary.

It’s worth noting, then, that we’re talking about $1 trillion over 10 years to cover just about every legal resident in the country — without adding a dime to the national debt and without raising taxes on the middle class — finally reforming a broken system after decades of talking about it. Paul Krugman is right to call this a “bargain.

Of course because it makes sense I am sure it will be apposed by most Republicans and Evan Bayh

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