
Sarah Palin to resign. What kind of scandal is about to unfold?

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4 Responses to wow

  1. Al Swearengen says:

    She made zero point zero sense in that speech…

  2. John Rove says:

    she seemed angry and flustered. I am betting on a scandal of some sort. Although I don’t see her quitting over a financial scandal, she should be used to those by now so I am thinking some sort of iredutable sex scandal or perhap an absolutely irrefutable finacial scandal.

  3. Nick says:

    Palin 2012

  4. John Rove says:

    I can’t decide if Palin quit to cash-in on her noertiety or of she is trying to keep a scandal quiet, sort of like Bill Owens did in Colorado, but I have a feeling her political career is over, either because she will want to devote all her energy to a reality show or just because she can’t run any more, due to a skelaton in her closet.

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