Thanks to you-tube we know Rick Perry is an idiot

One of the more interesting debates over the past few months has been whether Texas should secceed, and while I recognize that it would create a third world country on our southern border, it might be for the best. Rick Perry the governor of Texas does not seem interested in being president of the worlds newest third world cesspool, and is now claiming he never talked about secceeding.

A few years ago the future president of Aftexistan would have been able to get away with denying he ever wanted to secceed, now however he is all over you-tube and their are imbedded videos of him talking up seccession.

I guess we just need to negotiate some sort of guest worker program with Texas where we know that after coming up to the 49 states to help pick fruit and vegetables we have some guarantee that their citizens will return home; then Texas can enter its rightful place as the leader of conservative nations such as Somalia and Darfur.

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One Response to Thanks to you-tube we know Rick Perry is an idiot

  1. Blane Skarzol says:

    Texas accepts your defeatist, tax and spend solution. We would love to become another third world cesspool like Darfur and/or Somalia. We take the oil, agriculture, and can do attitude with us.

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