Monthly Archives: April 2009

Build a better jeep and they will buy

Looks like Chrysler the parent comapany of Jeep is about to go bankrupt. Which would really suck, Jeeps were cool at one time. Now they are just big SUV’s, like any other big SUV. What happened? It seems that Jeep … Continue reading

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Gingrich in 2012

You Douche!! could have drank at the bar we’ve always gone to and spent half the fucking money, but NO…

Posted in Economics, Politics, Video | 2 Comments


That poor 2 year old……oh boy, how about some sanity….look, obviously our system of government is a failure, and we need to try something else. Let’s make Obama “king for life” and hang every elected Senator and Representative we can … Continue reading

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“you tell our moronic base the facts”

I love this one: STEPHANOPOULOS: [O]n the issue of taxes, I think it’s 43 percent of people who file taxes pay no income tax at all. For the middle fifth of taxpayers, they’re paying just about 3 percent in federal … Continue reading

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Is it time to let Texas go?

the governor of Texas has been making quite a bit of noise lateley about secceeding.This seems like a no brainer for the rest of the country, we would need some humanitarian safeguards, specifcaly anyone from Aftexistan should be allowed to … Continue reading

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Loving It!

More Tea Party video

Posted in Comedy, Politics, Video | 6 Comments

howard K stern

Chalk up one for Al…I called this

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Burn the Books!

This is so fun to watch! One of those ‘tea parties’

Posted in Comedy, Economics, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

A couple of good discussions on population

At pandagon Amanda Marcotte challenges the notion that children are a bundle of joy and that we need to overpopulate to keep our economy going. At Donkeylicious Niel Sinababu suggests immigration as a solution for those who worry about social … Continue reading

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A post Christian America?

This is really good news, hopefully the trend will continue. There it was, an old term with new urgency: post-Christian. This is not to say that the Christian God is dead, but that he is less of a force in … Continue reading

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More population stuff

Some people are suggesting our standard of living might be higher with less people: So the Malthusian logic that says that higher levels of population is a disaster no longer applies. But I’m still not at all convinced that the … Continue reading

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More Octamom

Nurse says Octamom doesn’t care about her kids, and that is a shock to who? Octamom lost one of her children about a year ago Octamom would like her own TV show, this seems like a bad idea inthat it … Continue reading

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Better living with less people

I got this via Pandagon as a response to the argument that we need high birth rates to maintain social security: But without denying that the effect is real, this strikes even a lover of Social Security such as myself … Continue reading

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Other people talk about this stuff too

Looks like other people are starting to notice that low birth rates may be a good thing: Matt recently had an interesting post reminding everyone that a lower population has the strong benefit of decreasing the number of people who … Continue reading

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