Maybe Limbaugh really is in charge

Conservative “leaders” seem to be defending AIG bonus’s while Republicans try to figure out what to think.

…By all appearances, the right-wing media figures are, oddly enough, sticking to conservative economic principles, while right-wing lawmakers are simply hoping to exploit public frustration for partisan gain, whether it makes sense or not.

Indeed, rank-and-file Republicans may be leaning in the direction of the media figures. The Gallup poll released yesterday gauging public anger over the AIG bonuses showed that Republican voters are far less “outraged” by the matter than Democrats, and are far less interested in seeing the government try to block or recover the bonus money than Democrats or Independents.

The Republican party, right now, is a group of politicians obsessed with winnning the news cycle, that is having their faces on the news every night, and some talk radio yackers who also seem obsessed with being in the news at all times, and the yackers seem to be winning.

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One Response to Maybe Limbaugh really is in charge

  1. Karl says:

    I might leave the health insurance spam, as it sort of proves a point about insurance companies.

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