Ross Douthat wins the stupid olympics

Their is a debate going on as to who is dumber, Ross Douthat or the man he replaces at the New York Times Bill Krystol. Both of them are pretty much clueless, Krystol is a Neo-con who never met a war he didn’t like. But Douthat seems to be from a different world altogether, where society and women exist to produce more babies, although he and his wife are childless. Kind of makes you wonder if he really believes the nonsense he spews or if he just does it for the pay check.

BTW I will concede both Krystol and Douthat are better spellers than me.

UPDATE: looks like a lot of people that I generally agree with think Douthat is a good choice as a columnist. I think even if they don’t realize it, they may like Douthat because he is a useful idiot, he articulates positions that make no sense, clearly and honestly, in doing so shows how the religous right is full of hypocrisy and contradiction.

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