Monthly Archives: March 2009

Why is Marijuana illegal?

Legalizing pot should be a no-brainer

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Loved him on The Wire

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Zero Point Zero

The meet and greet tickets didn’t sell

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I wish I wrote this

Sometimes people say exactly what you are thinking: You can’t miss it in today’s news: US births break record, 40 percent out-of-wedlock. Frankly, my dear, who gives a shit about the wedding bands. Though that’s pretty much what all the … Continue reading

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Maybe Limbaugh really is in charge

Conservative “leaders” seem to be defending AIG bonus’s while Republicans try to figure out what to think. …By all appearances, the right-wing media figures are, oddly enough, sticking to conservative economic principles, while right-wing lawmakers are simply hoping to exploit … Continue reading

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The great tradition of Republicans in the closet

I have been critical of the New York times hiring Ross Douthat, until I saw this from Brad Delong. From Ross Douthat, Privilege, bottom of p. 184: One successful foray ended on the guest bed of a high school friend’s … Continue reading

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Just a thought

How long before Cheney starts trying to hire someone to prove him right? H/T TPM

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Mark to market accounting

Rep. Grayson hits this out of the park again…pay attention to what is said after the 4th minute especially

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Ross Douthat wins the stupid olympics

Their is a debate going on as to who is dumber, Ross Douthat or the man he replaces at the New York Times Bill Krystol. Both of them are pretty much clueless, Krystol is a Neo-con who never met a … Continue reading

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Keep an eye out for this guy

Nice clips – a freshman Rep from Florida

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Killing in the Name

Now you do what they told ya

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What isn’t waste according to john McCain?

McCain seems to think anything that might make the world a safer healthier place is government waste. As near as I can tell the only government expenditures McCain likes involve using money to bomb brown people. And, Atlas Shrugged sounds … Continue reading

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More credit crack

This seems like a bad idea. The Federal Reserve on Tuesday rolled out a much-awaited $200 billion program to spur lending for cars, credit cards, education and small businesses. The problem with easy credit is that it makes people spend … Continue reading

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Why they love us in Iraq

Motivational speaking…some inspiring shit…I think it’s time we excused ourselves from the table

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