The lies of Bobby Jindahl

TPM uncovers the truth about Jindahl’s Katrina story

Bobby Jindal’s office was apparently thrown into full crisis mode today after a spokeswoman admitted that a key story of Katrina heroism the governor told in in his GOP response speech Tuesday was false. But, with some help from Politico, they only succeeded in digging themselves deeper

If the internet had been around in Reagan’s time I doubt he would have even been elected for a second term as the man was a compulsive lier, almost all of his stories and anecdotes were made up and they would have been exposed if their had been quick access to information in his day. Conservatives today still seem to think they can lie like Reagan did, they can’t.

UPDATE: someone much funnier than me takes looks at the Katrina story.

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2 Responses to The lies of Bobby Jindahl

  1. Roger Kiner says:

    Bobby performed his most authentic self in the immediate days after Katrina. He had recently lost the LA gubernatorial race to Blanco. Despite claiming that his sole mission in life was to return to Baton Rouge and raise his child in the manner in which he was raised, he instantaneously established residence in Kenner to run for Vitter’s vacated seat. Solid values there Bobby!!

    Of course Booby can’t resist a camera. Accordingly, we get him on the air with Wolf (CNN) frequently being asked to describe what we are seeing from the helicopter. Governor Jingo was of course clueless. I would be too if I had never in my life seen these places. Hell, there are probably past tourists from Slovakia that could do a better job! Piyush is a Phony!!

  2. Don’t doubt it

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