So many people, so little food

Maybe this wouldn’t be such a problem if we didn’t have so many people trying to use a scarce resource.

Federal water managers said they may have to cut off all water to some of California’s largest farms as a result of the deepening drought affecting the state.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation officials said Friday that parched reservoirs and patchy snow and rainfall this year would likely force them to cut surface water deliveries completely. It would be the first time in more than 15 years such a move was taken

If this area had less people perhaps water for home consumption could be diverted to help produce these crops, but too many people are relying on the system for home needs. Too many people leads to bad situations.


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3 Responses to So many people, so little food

  1. Nobody’s starving, and the US Government can demand a 0.1% interest charge on its loans.

    Of course, while the former will probably hold, the latter will not.

  2. John Rove says:

    o one is atsrving yet, and no one is running out of water yet, but we seem to be hitting a bubble stage where we are going to start running out of resources unless we do something about our crazy population growth.

  3. John Rove says:

    So my typing sucks. No one is starving yet

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