Monthly Archives: February 2009

It’s that population thing again

Noam Chompski worries about the future of humans in the world., but I thinink he misses the point.” The survival of the human species is by no means an obvious thing. There are very severe threats to survival. We learn … Continue reading

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The lies of Bobby Jindahl

TPM uncovers the truth about Jindahl’s Katrina story Bobby Jindal’s office was apparently thrown into full crisis mode today after a spokeswoman admitted that a key story of Katrina heroism the governor told in in his GOP response speech Tuesday … Continue reading

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Best scene in ‘Airplane’


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Jindahl does the impossible

I watched a little bit of the the republican response to the presidents speech and came away amazed. I didn’t think anyone could make Sarah Palin seem smart but in comparison to Bobby Jindahl Palin is a rocket scientist.

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Best scene in the movie ‘Network’

You have meddled with the primary forces of nature, Mr Beale, and I won’t have it!

Posted in Economics, History | 2 Comments

So many people, so little food

Maybe this wouldn’t be such a problem if we didn’t have so many people trying to use a scarce resource. Federal water managers said they may have to cut off all water to some of California’s largest farms as a … Continue reading

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Clinton’s first WTF moment

Every time I start to think Hillary Clinton has good judgment something like this comes out of her mouth. Amnesty International and a pro-Tibet group voiced shock Friday after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed not to let human … Continue reading

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The end of rampant consumerism?

If this guy is right, can’t say I am going to miss it. There’s no question the American consumer is hurting in the face of a burst housing bubble, financial market meltdown and rising unemployment. But “the worst is yet … Continue reading

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Abstinence education doesn’t work

I may have to take back some of the bad things I have said about Bristol Palin. Looks like after one or possibly two children she gets it.

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This is good

The more I hear about the stimulus bill the better it sounds: The $787 billion economic stimulus bill approved by Congress will, for the first time, provide substantial amounts of money for the federal government to compare the effectiveness of … Continue reading

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A Dressing Down

One of the best things about 2008 Howard and Artie riff on this fight

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More Octamom

Doctors are supposed to do no harm. In the case of Octamom it looks like they have done plenty of emotional harm to her and financial harm to the rest of us. …the hospital where the octuplets are expected to … Continue reading

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Octuplets are expensive

One of the ongoing debates in the comments section is the value to society of children. I generally argue kids are expensive and a burden on society, Mr Bettor argues that kids pay for themselves when they become tax producers. … Continue reading

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“don’t ruin the Democratic election victory, by being Democrats”

I am starting to think Bill Clinton has lost it. And, looks like other people are starting to think Howard Dean is the right choice for HHS.. If their is one thing too important to let “bi-partisanship” ruin it, it … Continue reading

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Looks like the stimulus is going tp pass

Mostly just wanted to link to this. During the primary and the general election Obama would be down in the polls but he would stick to his ideas and it seemed to work out fine. Looks like the next four … Continue reading

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Around the internet

Looks like the stimulus package is not doing to well in the Senate. I don’t get why tax cuts are even being considered, the last eight years have been one big tax cut and it didn’t work out too well. … Continue reading

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Smart Ass Pawn

Obama…he was a pawn and was actually able to become king (skip ahead 2 minutes)

Posted in Al Swearengen, Video | 1 Comment

Kid hoarding?

I have always wondered about people who keep having kids when they don’t seem to enjoy or even be able to care for the ones they have.  Looks like other people may be starting to wonder about it as well.

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Maybe we need to re-think Marijuana.

Looks like Micheal Phelps might be a stoner. Instead of pretending the Marijuana ruins lives, maybe it is time to legalize it and use all the extra jail space for health clinics or schools or just museums to show how … Continue reading

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