A couple football thoughts

I would love to see the away teams do well today and tomorrow, especially Philly and Arizona but my guess is that in the NFC the home teams win. If Arizona can generate a runing game they have a chance and Philly is playing pretty well but I think most people see Carolina and New York winning these games.

In the AFC I think San Diego has a very good chance against Pittsburg as for whatever reason San Diego seems to play really well in the post season and Rivers may be the best quarterback playing right now. Tenessee wins easily today.

Let me know what you think

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4 Responses to A couple football thoughts

  1. John Rove says:

    So far I am one hundred percent wrong

  2. Don’t feel bad…the difference between basketball and football is something I embrace, w/ the seven game series all but eliminating the chance for a “good month” leading to a title. Football is so different, as a great month can equal a championship, and the favorite on paper can look like a such a foolish bet once those final seconds tick down…

    Two different animals, completely different DNA. I love them both even more because of that. The brilliance of the Patriots this decade has been due to an uncanny understanding of this dynamic. When the Patriots have been beaten in January, it has been because they ran out of gas, and not because they were surprised by (on paper) a lesser team.

    The Celtics were almost ousted by Atlanta last year, but in the 7 game format, it us much more difficult for an underdog to pull off the upset.

  3. Until just now, I had no idea that Arizona had won last night. Being a father of young kids doesn’t jive with being up on all of this!

  4. John Rove says:

    Especially this year in football it has been teams that have paced themselves. I wonder if trying to play a meaningful game everyweek with no room for error wears teams out. Last year especially the Patriots looked pretty tired by the Super bowl.

    Next week should be a couple of great games, I am hoping for Arizona, sort of depends which team shows up though but the Eagles seems prone to getting overconfident and hopefully that will be their downfall.

    As for the AFC it seems that teams can move the football on Baltimore they just make mistakes because of the way Baltimore beats them up so my guess is that Pittsburg wins it. My predictions have been the kiss of death so far have to see if it continues.

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