Have a merry christmas or go to jail

If you are wondering why the republican party is in the crapper look no further than this

A state senator in Utah is drafting a resolution to encourage retailers to stop using nebulous phrases like “Happy holidays” and “Season’s greetings” and get back to what shops used to say in December: “Merry Christmas.”

Utah state Sen. Chris Buttars told Salt Lake City’s Deseret News that he’s drafting the non-binding resolution because several employees at a retailer told him they were instructed not to say “Merry Christmas” to customers.

“I’m sick of the Christmas wars,” Buttars told the Salt Lake Tribune. “We’re a Christian nation and ought to use the word.”

Politicians are paid to solve real problems and plan for real futures, not fight imaginary wars. The strangest part to me is that christmas as it is celebrated is more like a pagan tree festival than a celebration of god. As an atheist I find christmas kind of amusing in that the only way the christians can get people to celebrate the birth of the their savior is to give everybody presents and encourage them to get drunk.

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One Response to Have a merry christmas or go to jail

  1. The boomers can’t think of anything else to do in Utah apparently.

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