A good day for Marijuana

Does anyone really think Marjuana should be illegal?

Not in Michigan:

Michigan became the 13th state to legalize marijuana, with 63 percent of voters supporting its use for medical purposes

The war on drugs might be a bigger waste of money than the Iraq war, although it would be close. Hopefully the next four and hopefully eight years will bring some sensible drug policies.

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2 Responses to A good day for Marijuana

  1. I’m pretty libertarian. That means that I do not want to see MJ criminalized, nor subsidized.

    Same goes for abortion.

  2. John Rove says:

    I was thinking about that. Seems like a lot of things might be better if the government stayed out of them. My latest idea is that government should get out of the marriage business.

    Same perhaps with food production subsidies lead to some bad choices among are farmers. I am sure their are other places where the government could have a smaller role and people would be at least as well off as they are now.

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