McCain’s concession speech

McCain seemed to really mean it when he urged his backers to support Obama. Now that Rove is not pulling the strings McCain seems like a good guy.

Hopefully this foreshadows many more conservatives turning their back on Rove(Karl Rove that is) and putting the country first rather than their re-election.

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9 Responses to McCain’s concession speech

  1. I hope that the GOP cleans house. They’ve gotten pretty stale over the last few years.

    I hope the Dems set the bar high. Nothing like a Yankees-Red Sox rivalry to improve the quality of the game for everyone.

  2. John Rove says:

    As a partisan I am kind of happy that Stevens from Alaska won re-election at least a few years of talking about the felon from Alaska.

    Talking to some of my liberl friends it is easy to see where some fissures could devolope pretty quickly in the Democratic party.

    Of course right now the repubs have a bigger problem in that the only Demographic they carried were whites without college degrees. Some people might say the entire party is one angry joe the plumber and the thing about joe the plumber is that he is a low income guy who gets to pretend he is a success because he votes like the rich guys. But the rich guys are not voting like joe anymore. I hope that made sense.

    Th next few years are going to be interestin I expect to be bitching about farm policy and over-priced underperforming health care.

  3. Yea, that was classy.

  4. John Rove says:

    From reading around the internet it looks like some people are not willing to forgive John McCain. I don’t think his campaign was that much worse than the one Clinton ran and she has been forgiven. So why not let John McCain off the hook as well.

    Palin in 2012 I can’t wait

  5. whites without college degrees must be about 40% of the electorate.

    and since we live in a post-Buddy Cianci, post-Marion Barry, post-tax-evading chair of House Ways and means, and post cozy Countrywide special mortgage recipient chair of Senate Finance … I guess the Stevens re-election should not surprise me as much as it does.

  6. John Rove says:

    I remember one year in high school a bunch of people got together and voted the biggest dork ever the prom king. It was pretty funny. I think sometimes people use their vote in much the same way we did in high school, to flip the bird at people who actually care about the country.

    BTW I am still very proud of being prom king. Now that I think about it it may have been that they voted one of the guys in the class prom queen.

  7. Belated congratulations!

  8. So that Ted Stevens election may be more strategic than we’ve give the Alaskan’s credit for:

  9. John Rove says:

    If you want to use your vote for a cheap laugh voting for Ted Stevens is a good way to do it.

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