election open thread

I am hoping Obama wins by a large enough margin that he can claim a mandate for what are some relatively moderate goals.

Opening up the federal health insurance system to everyone is hardly radical nor is taxing high income individuals at a higher rate than low wage earners.

Ending the Iraq war is also a no brainer for anyone who still has a brain.

My prediction is that the night ends early, when Florida gets called for Obama.

I am going to be delivering pizza to people waiting in line to vote tomorrow night, so if you are waiting in line to vote in Denver say “hi”

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2 Responses to election open thread

  1. As a socialist (humanist actually), it is very satisfying to know that the baby boomers have finally blown it so bad, that their legacy will amount to the fall of our empire, but not the fall of our nation.

  2. John Rove says:

    If Obama wins hopefully it will mean we can finally stop arguing over the sixties.

    I didn’t realize how detrimental the boomers were until Hillary Clinton started arguing about the best way to expand the American empire and keep consuming mass quanities of crap.

    If McCain wins I guess the whole electio is about obliterating Iran and buying stuff.

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