MNF Observations: Denver at New England

Two Rons

An early sack on Matt Cassel led to a classic Freudian slip on behalf of Ron Jaworski: As Kevin Faulk seemingly missed a block in the back field during the play, Ron went on to explain that the ‘black’ had missed his blocking assignment.

After Sammy Morris went in for the games first touchdown the TV cameras panned to the crowd and showed two male fans excitedly screaming at each other, as one of them went up for the high-five his friend had just begun to look away and left him hanging, the fan begrudgingly had to retreat from the high-five and put his hand down in shame on national TV.

On Welker’s 44 yard punt return in the 3rd quarter the end-zone camera zoomed in on Welker’s face as he awaited the snap. He looked like a man possessed; he was talking to himself and twitching his head around. I couldn’t make out the words but the intense sight of Welker before the snap led me to believe that we would see a nice return should he have the chance. Perhaps that’s what he was muttering to himself, “Just give me a chance and I’ll f’n burn you!”

Moss’s touchdown where he took a ‘Gillette Jump’ into the awaiting arms of super fan Syd Davy, who was dressed up like a Viking, was certainly highlight worthy and will be aired about 1,000 times on ESPN today alone. Some recognition has to go to the fan to the left of Davy: as Moss was pulled into the crowd and patted on the back a fan within reach was faced with a large dilemma as he was double fisting two cups of beer. You could see it playing out in is mind on TV as he looked down at his beers with a ‘what to do’ expression, he quickly overcame the obstacle as he shoved one cup in his mouth and held it with his teeth so he could join in patting Moss on the back.

On another note, the Patriot Gestapo has apparently identified who sold Davy the end-zone ticket and with any luck will be apprehending the subject swiftly so we can all sleep better at night:

“In a related story, Patriots personnel is reviewing the tape to identify the fan who sold his tickets to Davy. Suffice to say, he or she has already been identified and their ticket privileges may be severely altered in the future.” (

To his credit Tony Kornheiser admitted that he was wrong at the time when he said the Patriots move to acquire Moss last year was a mistake, a rare instance of integrity from an ESPN ‘analyst’. Apparently Tony was hoping that Ron ‘Burgundy’ Jaworski would join his coming out party, when Tony asked Ron for an update on his stance that the Patriots should have acquired a veteran quarterback after Brady went down Ron went on to say how good a move it was sticking with Cassel and how over-hyped the move of bringing in veteran was. Ron apparently didn’t understand Tony and like a sheep spouted out whatever he believed went along with what Tony had said.

I am convinced had Tony said: ‘Now Ron, in hindsight don’t you think it was a mistake Belichick didn’t give the reigns back to Drew Bledsoe in 2001 after Tom Brady led them into the playoffs?’ – Ron would have gone into a 2 minute tirade about how the Patriots made a huge mistake in sticking with Brady back in ’01.

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2 Responses to MNF Observations: Denver at New England

  1. John Rove says:

    It would be a huge mistake for the Patriots not to stick with Cassel when the Brady gets back. Maybe they could trade Brady to AZ for a third rounder or something.

    I have seen Cuttler play a couple times and he doesn’t seem real athletic. Kind of Gries’ athletic ability combined with Plummers intelligence.

  2. Damn Nick – That was a good read! This one was hidden like some of the others, so I didn’t get to check it out until tonight.

    Welker was a maniac in Miami, and us getting him like we did seemed like a gift from Saban. Lose Troy Brown and pick up this guy.

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