Monthly Archives: October 2008


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Obama doesn’t talk about McCain

Looks like other people have also noticed. McCain’s entire campaign is based on Obama and Obama’s campaign is based on Obama as well. Conservatism has always been an antidote to liberalism the McCain campaign took it to an extreme when … Continue reading

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Even McCain knows no one under fifty is going to vote for him

Looks like people at the McCain rallys are being asked to leave when they look like they don’t belong. Elborno said after seeing the people who were asked to leave, she was concerned that McCain’s staffers were profiling people on … Continue reading

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Where do Republicans go from here?

Watching McCain steer the SS Republican into an ice berg has been fun. In fact you can argue that the captain who should go down with the ship is George Bush but somehow like always Bush gets out at just … Continue reading

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Best Campaign Ad So Far

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The next financial crisis

Credit cards and more specificaly the banks that are counting on people to pay them back may be the next crisis. I don’t know whether or not credit card debt is sold the same way that mortgage debt is sold, … Continue reading

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MNF Observations: Denver at New England

An early sack on Matt Cassel led to a classic Freudian slip on behalf of Ron Jaworski: As Kevin Faulk seemingly missed a block in the back field during the play, Ron went on to explain that the ‘black’ had … Continue reading

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Palin isn’t helping McCain to get elected

Latest pollo from ABC shows most te country is not impressed with Sarah Palin, nor do they want to talk about a 60’s radcal. For some reason it seems that certain politicians on both sides of the aisle are obsessed … Continue reading

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Last nights debate

McCain may be just smart enough to offend republicans, for example in last nights debate when he said “womens health can mean anything” or something to that effect. That is the logical conclusion of most anti-abortion rhetoric, but it is … Continue reading

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A Sidewalk to Nowhere

I’m familiar w/ the type…crybabies

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Who paid for Sarah Palin’s house?

If Palin talks to reporters ever again, hopefully someone will ask who built her house. This Palin scandal may not go away in that it is easy to understand and involves money, unlike the somewhat questionable parentage of her youngest; … Continue reading

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I love to hate the Cowboys

I am a bit of a Cardinal fan and it is great to see them expose the Cowboys for the farce they are. Plus, how long before Cuttler becomes known as the latest Shanahan quarterback bust?

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Maybe some publicly traded companies are worthless

A while back I saw the CEO of GM on the Colbert show. It seemed pretty obvious the guy didn’t know much about cars. I wonder how many other CEO’s out there are just as clueless about whatever company they … Continue reading

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A really bad night for McCain

I don’t think McCain recovers from his debate performance this evening. First, the only zinger of the evening came when McCain was trying to lecture Obama on the need to speak softly. Obama rightly pointed out McCain is the guy … Continue reading

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Gilbert Gottfried

Right after 9/11, roasting Hugh Hefner… Gilbert below the fold

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PBS is saved

This is great

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Keating Economics

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debate prediction

I wonder if tonight is the night McCain loses his temper. His campaign is tanking and trying to deal with all the gibberish that comes out of Palin would probably make a sane person lose their temper. At a minimum … Continue reading

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Stock Market open thread

I don’t know a whole lot about the stock market other than it seems to be tanking. My guess is that tomorow some bargain hunters will swoop in and push the DOW back up around 10,000 where it will stay … Continue reading

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Palin the latest in packaged dog poop

Conservatism does not work, but the right wing keeps trying to re-package it and sell it to an unsispecting public. First, conservatism was packaged in the form of a loveable albeit senile old grandpa. The result were high deficits and … Continue reading

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Palin did very well

At least she did very well attacking and changing the subject. Most of us know someone like Sarah Palin if they don’t know something or feel threatened they attack everyone around them. It is not surprising that Palin has surrounded … Continue reading

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