Our Cruel Society

During Katrina: During the storm and for several days afterwards, several thousand men, women, and children as young as ten — many of them being held in pre-trial detention on minor offenses — were effectively abandoned as floodwaters rose and the power went out, plunging the cells into darkness. As deputies fled their posts, prisoners were left standing up to their chests in sewage-contaminated floodwaters, without food, drinking water, or ventilation. (200801_ISS_KatrinaHumanRights)

Present Day: Galveston Sheriff leaves inmates, deputies, in hurricane’s path – Galveston Island residents were told to flee Hurricane Ike or face “certain death,” but the Sheriff has inexplicably decided not to evacuate 1,000 prisoners from the county jail, even though serious flooding has already begun. (Grits For Breakfast)

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4 Responses to Our Cruel Society

  1. Anonymous says:

    What is wrong with you people??? Did not we learn anything from the harrowing after effects of Hurricane Katrina. As a suvivor I am horrified that our government and the people we trust to “abide and obey the law” have left these people, many incarcerated because of petty offenses, in this jail to DIE!?! Even after with the storm surge not being as bad as suspected I am still horrified that these people were left. It is a shame to our society and I hope for your sake and the american people that none of those part time prisoners have died because of the stupidity of few….

  2. Anonymous says:

    The more articles I read about this situation, the more outraged I become. Quoting a fav of mine… “We need a miricle cuz this shit is hysterical” Excuse my language.. I hope the good people of galveston run the sheriff out of America. Or possibly they could just jail him in the direct path of a major hurricane where it is quoted “anyone who stays faces certain death”…

  3. The Sheriff harbors contempt for those he’s paid to oversee…just like a crazy nurse who hates old people deciding to work in a nursing home.

  4. Anonymous says:

    well, it was unfortunate, but the fact remains: NOBODY CARES…

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