wolf phobia?

I haven’t seen it yet but I hear McCain has an ad out with scary wolves running around. In 2004 Bush also used wolves to scare people. Why are conservatives scared of wolves?
THis question is not completely rhetorical. At one point a local conservative yacker here in Denver suggested that Denver needed to do something about coyotes that can be found in the city. I don’t think their are any reports of coyotes attacking humans ever and I would be surprised if their are more than a handful of wolf attacks in the last hundred years. So why do conservatives hate these animals so much? My guess is that unlike the domestic dog these wild K9’s are not dependant on humans and have instead been able to live relatively free lives. For some reason the idea that an animal that sort of looks like it should depend on us does not need us not only seems to annoy certain people it seems to scare them as well.
Just a thought, when you hear conservatives talk about freedom and self-reliance it seems to only count as long as they have the final say on how much freedom you really have. Too much independance seems to scare them.

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3 Responses to wolf phobia?

  1. “…it seems to only count as long as they have the final say on how much freedom you really have…”


  2. John Rove says:

    I think their is also a need to control, if someone or something is dependant on you then you have control. Wolves are scary because they are not dependant on people and therefore outside our ability to control.

    I see it with some people I know as well they seem to want someone who is needy and therefor dependant on them.

  3. John Rove says:

    I think some people confuse dependance with loyalty. I think this is why you see so many losers in middle managemet. They pick the most depandant people as they think they will be loyal.

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