The cynics party

After watching some of the Republican convention and following the rise and fall of the conservative movement I cannot help but feel they have turned cynism into a political movement. Somehow conservatives have managed to take anyone with ideals and define them as naive. The mocking tone taken by Palin and Guiliani towards community organizing pretty much sums up the entire movement, anyone who tries to make things better for the working class is naive and perhaps stupid.

We all know the only way to help anyone is to make the rich richer so that they can hire the rest of us to wash their cars and clean their planes. The fact that this attitude is self serving is lost on the people like Guiliani and Palin they really believe that no one cares about anyone but the affluent and in their world they are right. They don’t talk to anyone unless that person can give them money or some other benefit. The idea of doing something good for another person doesn’t even make sense to them unless their is something in it for them.

The entire Republican convention was about trying to convince enough people to stay cynical and give John McCain a lifetime achievement award, the idea being it doesn’t matter who is president anyway. This election will show whether or not most the country is bitter and decides to screw over the US and the rest of the world by voting for McCain or moves in a different and more optamistic direction.

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