Abstinence education at work

Palin’s 17 year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant. Palin is becoming a case study in everything that is wrong with social conservatives.

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4 Responses to Abstinence education at work

  1. I don’t think this is important at all. I hope the Dems don’t go hog-wild on this one.

  2. John Rove says:

    Some people have been arguing that her kids should be kept out of the election, but especially in the case of someone who is happy to tell other people how to raise their kids, her performance as a mother is relavant.

    I wonder if in the next week or so Palin will resign as the running mate for family reasons and we will see Lieberman or Romney take her place.

  3. How well does birth control and STD-education work? Do you have any evidence that it works any better, for preventing teenage pregnancies or contraction of disease, than abstinence education?

    Of course not; no such evidence exists.

  4. Saskboy says:

    Oh don’t worry, she’ll be married soon enough. Which is, I think, another sad testament to how poorly they managed their daughter’s life, and are meddling now in a way that won’t help matters any.


    Caveat bettor, the stats exist, you just aren’t looking in the right way perhaps? Teen pregnancy is sky high comparatively in Texas where they encourage abstinence above education.

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