Monthly Archives: September 2008

The “crisis” will still be there after the election

At this point with the election a little more than a month away it makes sense to leave the bailout for after the election. The enviroment is too politicaly charged to get anything done that doesn’t pander to almost everyone. … Continue reading

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Midnight Rider

Allman Brothers Band – Midnight Rider (Great Woods)Uploaded by fuzz59

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bailout bill

Looks like the bailout is in need of its own bailout. I thought McCain was going to suspend his campaign untl the situation was resolved. I think in the end the bailout failure will be looked at as the time … Continue reading

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Moby Dick

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More bailout stuff

I have been trying to get my head around the bailout and the mortgage mess I have a feeling that some people who read this blog and the guy who created it, understand the financial industries better than I do; … Continue reading

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Bush live blogging

I am watching Bush’s press conference. He is saying that we will get most of the money used for the bailout back when the economy improves. This sounds like “liberating Iraq will pay for itself”. It also seems that easy … Continue reading

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The end of the free market?

In the past few weeks the US government has taken over some of the worlds largest companies. These companies should have been shining examples of what a free un-regulated market can accomplish, instead they have become examples of short term … Continue reading

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Obama Promises To Stop America’s Shitty Jobs From Going Overseas

Obama Promises To Stop America’s Shitty Jobs From Going Overseas

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Chairman of GM doesn’t know much about cars

I just saw Robert Lutz, the chairman of GM, on Colbert and at one point he said GM’s new electric car had a 1.4 liter engine which he said was equal to 70 cubic inches. I am not much of … Continue reading

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Season Premier of the Terminator

I finally got a chance to watch the season premier of the Terminator on fox. Why is it Fox news sucks so bad but their series are head and shoulders above the other networks. Anyway, it looks like the Terminators … Continue reading

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Iron Sheik on CNN

Discussing Michael Richards

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Lehman Brothers Files for Bankruptcy

This is going to be the focus tomorrow…buckle your seat belts! Trying to get it right in my head over the weekend wasn’t easy, until Sunday night came and there was no announcement to be made out of the Treasury … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 6 Comments

Our Cruel Society

During Katrina: During the storm and for several days afterwards, several thousand men, women, and children as young as ten — many of them being held in pre-trial detention on minor offenses — were effectively abandoned as floodwaters rose and … Continue reading

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Random thought

If I was John Stewart or Stephen Colbert I would vote for Palin/McCain. The jokes practicaly write themselves. Olberman should also consider voting for them as his worst persons in the world series would be taken care of for the … Continue reading

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wolf phobia?

I haven’t seen it yet but I hear McCain has an ad out with scary wolves running around. In 2004 Bush also used wolves to scare people. Why are conservatives scared of wolves? THis question is not completely rhetorical. At … Continue reading

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Ali-Chuvalo Pre-fight Interviews

From 1966:

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Two peas in a pod

Maybe John McCain and Sarah Palin have more in common than we knew, they both like to abuse the power of their positions.

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McCain’s Palin problem

Sarah Palin for whatever reason seams very popular with republican base, in fact she seems much more popular than John McCain. How long before McCain starts trying to remind people he is running for president and Palin is just along … Continue reading

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On top of his game

Obama “I ain’t scared of you m*****f******!” –

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Bernie Mac – RIP

His best set in my opinion…it’s on from the first line. In my top 5 of all time.

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The cynics party

After watching some of the Republican convention and following the rise and fall of the conservative movement I cannot help but feel they have turned cynism into a political movement. Somehow conservatives have managed to take anyone with ideals and … Continue reading

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Green screen??

Did McCain just do his acceptance speech in front of a green screen, and I thought McCain didn’t have a sense of humor.

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Sal Roasts BaBaBooey

This is a roast performance for the ages…Sal the Stockbroker, now working on the Stern show…the horse sound is something he’ll regret for the rest of his life… SIRIUS!

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As the Palin turns part 2

The National Enquirer is looking into the sex life of governor Palin.

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Two videos to watch on Palin

Well here you go…the Palin thread got me thinking about it again, and the reality of what those nimrods actually did to themselves is becoming apparent.

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As the Palin turns and why it matters

The Palin family is a trainwreck. Her 17 year-old daughter is pregnant, her sister is in the midst of a nasty divorce and Palin may have used her influence against her ex-brother-in-law and before the election is over who knows … Continue reading

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Abstinence education at work

Palin’s 17 year-old unmarried daughter is pregnant. Palin is becoming a case study in everything that is wrong with social conservatives.

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