What does McCain do?

Obamas’ acceptance speech tonight was pretty amazing, does anyone think McCain can match Obama in terms of promise for the future.  McCain at best can promise more of the same, he does not have any fresh ideas.  The best McCain can do is promise to do the same things as Bush only he will do them better. 

My guess is that a majority of people will not vote for a man who plans to continue the Bush legacy, the problem for McCain is that a large number of Republicans wont vote for a man who admits that Bush and his conservative pals were a complete failure, as many conservatives still think that Bush was a good president.   His only flaw was that he didn’t reduce taxes enough or that he didn’t cut enough government programs, or that he didn’t gut enough regulatory agencies.  The things they don’t like about Bush are the the things that kept the US from completely imploding.  Such is the conservative movement, conservatism has been a complete failure but they will always have an excuse for why conservatism failed, and it wont be conservatism failed because conservatism is a failure. 

McCain is now the leader of a failed political movement, so how does he win an election when by any objective measure everything his movement stands for has been a complete failure?  He trys to bring liberalism down to the level of conservatism.  McCain will have to claim that none of Obamas’ policies will  work, because we already know hat conservative policies don’t work but maybe he can convince enough people that nothing can fix the problems of America or make the lives of most citizens better.  So why not vote for the POW since either way it is going to suck.  That is the conservative campaign and the conservative world view.  Hopefully Americans will choose a candidate who will strive to make things better, not one who tells Americans to stop whining. 

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