The politically incorrect Obama

Conservatives say some dumb ass shit.  Like “who cares about tire pressure”  Most of us who drive check our tires occasionally and even change our oil.  Not conservatives, they drive a car until it gets a flat or needs maintainence and then put it up on blocks in their front yard, where it becomes a home for rodents. 

Conservatives are no better on most issues than they are on auto maintainence and Obama seems willing to call them out on it.  Much like when Hillary and McCain said it was foolish to talk with our enemys, Obama had the courage to tell them they were wrong.   Diplomacy works just like car maintainence, and it is about time someone is willing to tell the conservatives what the rest of us already know.

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3 Responses to The politically incorrect Obama

  1. Obama could say “it’s smart to brush your teeth” and conservatives would call him dumb for it.

  2. John Rove says:

    We all know brushing your teeth is for pansies. Real men let their tooth turn green.

  3. captain_menace says:

    I agree with John.

    I won’t shake a man’s hand unless I can see his cavities!

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