Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News

(Glenn Greenwald) The FBI’s lead suspect in the September, 2001 anthrax attacks — Bruce E. Ivins — died Tuesday night, apparently by suicide, just as the Justice Department was about to charge him with responsibility for the attacks. For the last 18 years, Ivins was a top anthrax researcher at the U.S. Government’s biological weapons research laboratories at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, where he was one of the most elite government anthrax scientists on the research team at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID).

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3 Responses to Vital unresolved anthrax questions and ABC News

  1. John Rove says:

    Assuming the guy was guilty if you look at the targets he seems like another homegrown right wing terrorist, he went after Senators who apposed the patriot act at least that is what I saw written on another blog.

    Of course he convientely commeted suicide so no onw will ever know if he was really the guy or what his motives were. The entire thing seems pretty suspicious.

  2. I’m more interested in the fact that ABC and the right-wing media (Weekly Standard as an example) linked the attacks to Iraq. This business about the surge really sucks…it’s very difficult now to get the focus placed on how we ended up there and how over a million Iraqis lost their homes…our politics are childish, selfish and stupid. America deserves a steady diet of shit sandwiches for years to come if we can’t figure out what to do in November.

  3. John Rove says:

    I think everyone thought the war with Iraq would end well. I remember one of my professors talking about how good the economy was going to be with the cheap gas we would get from Iraq.

    Many people seemed to want the war for selfish reasons and were looking for anyway to justify it, The anthrax attacks played right into that.

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