Monthly Archives: July 2008

The war on birth control

Kevin Drum talks about the conservative war on birth control, at this point it does seem pretty obvious that certain factions in the US do not want people to have access to birth control and they would like to stigmatize birth … Continue reading

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I just finished reading “overtreated” a book by Shannon Brownlee.  One point that she drives home very well is that even if we get universal coverage we may not get better health outcomes as more people with insurance will probably … Continue reading

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Doing my part

John McCain is set to pick his running mate and I think like most liberals I fear he will pick Mitt Romney and make himself unbeatable in November.  Mitt being devoutly religous would instantly lock up the evangelical block of … Continue reading

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I Don’t Recall

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Hagel chides McCain on Iraq

(AP) Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel, fresh from an Iraq trip with Democrat Barack Obama, said the presidential candidates should focus on the war’s future and stop arguing over the success of last year’s troop surge. Hagel didn’t name names but … Continue reading

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Weak Dollar

The dollar has been battered consistently for a while now already, but it’s only the beginning.  Keep in mind that more often than not, an unemployed American worker is someone who has to make interest payments or else face bankruptcy.  … Continue reading

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Holdings 7/16/08

Two more transactions for this morning. Diversifying further out of gold, increasing stake in BAM and keeping cash on hand.

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FISA appeasement

Kevin Drum explains why the FISA debacle is so bad

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John McCain is a dumb man

From Ezra Klein There are criticisms that people make of Social Security, most of them relating to a mismatch between the program’s revenue and its future obligations. But McCain’s comment is very different. It’s like if lots of people made … Continue reading

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The culture war is about sex and who is having it

Via Andrew Sullivan some people are hoping for a truce in the divisive culture war In the 35-year fight since Roe v. Wade, it seems there are few common values to be found between our opposing sides. But it turns … Continue reading

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A Nervous Man

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Hunt Oil Contract in Kurdistan

(TP) President Bush denied knowledge of the contract, saying that he “knew nothing about the deal” and was “concerned”: I knew nothing about the deal. I need to know exactly how it happened. To the extent that it does undermine … Continue reading

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Ten Years Ago, Bin Laden Demanded Barrel Of Oil Should Cost $144

(TP) “In a 1998 interview, Osama bin Laden — the terrorist organizer of 9/11 who still roams free — listed as one of his many grievances against the U.S. that Americans “have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims” by purchasing oil … Continue reading

Posted in Bush idocy, Economics | 17 Comments