Prescription drug abuse

In Florida prescription drugs are far deadlier than most illegal drugs combined.

The Florida report analyzed 168,900 deaths statewide. Cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines caused 989 deaths, it found, while legal opioids — strong painkillers in brand-name drugs like Vicodin and OxyContin — caused 2,328.

Drugs with benzodiazepine, mainly depressants like Valium and Xanax, led to 743 deaths. Alcohol was the most commonly occurring drug, appearing in the bodies of 4,179 of the dead and judged the cause of death of 466 — fewer than cocaine (843) but more than methamphetamine (25) and marijuana (0).

Zero deaths from marijuana, maybe it is time to legalize the killer weed. Also, maybe it is time to look at how we “manage” pain after my vasectomy I was given a prescription for Oxcotin, which is highly addictive, just ask Rush Limbaugh, even though a bag of frozen peas was more than adequate to deal with the pain. A while back I had knee surgery and I was given Vicodin when again a bag of ice seemed to work fine.
Pain killers seem to have become the new anti-biotic where the doctor prescribes them for the patient just to shut them up. Maybe it is time to make it a little harder to get prescription pain-killers.

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One Response to Prescription drug abuse

  1. as long as we don’t give the physicians lobby undue control by having prescription constraints?

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