The upside of reverend Wright

Looks like McCain has a problem with the religious right I thoought this part was especially relevant:

The record is getting pretty long. McCain denounced the religious right (”agents of intolerance”) eight years ago, and bungled the Hagee and Rod Parsley fiascos. McCain can’t even talk about how, when, and whether he switched from being an Episcopalian to a Baptist without sounding completely incoherent.

In some ways I admire this  about John McCain, he is one of the few people who has had the courage to stand-up to the Falwells of this world, and the rest the time he seems to recognize the unimportance of religion.
Obama on the other hand has spent a good deal of time talking about his faith, mostly while trying to explain his relationship with reverend Wright. My guess is that most church goers have ministers who have said offensive things and they understand what Obama is going through. What Catholic has not had to listen to priests make newlyweds promise to “accept all gods children”, knowing full well the bride and groom are going to use birth control. Or the way that catholics treat nuns, the nuns do all the work while the priests drive Caddilacs. A friend of mine was getting married a while back, he was marrying someone of a different race, they had to go to three different ministers before they found someone who would perform the ceromony.
Obamas’ Wright problem is something that most people who go to church can probably identify with, as to one degree or another their spiritual advisors are probably the same way. In the end the right wing, and Hillary Clintons, obsession with reverend Wright may actually be a boost to Obama with evangelicals and people who call themselves Christians, as they have been throught the same thing. My guess is it will probably not hurt him much with Atheists such as myself as we are kind of used to peoples faith causing them problems, and the chance of an admitted atheist getting elected for almost any office is about zero. It is too bad that McCain is such a bad candidate in so many ways, or I might be tempted to support him just because of what he said about Falwell, of course I think he(McCain) went to Liberty university and fellated Falwell or some other religous nut to make up for it anyway.

At the end of the day no one can doubt Obama is a churchgoing man, while McCain seems to go when it is convenient.

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