46 is not all that young

I keep hearing that Obama is too young to be president.  Rush Limbaugh and Geraldine Ferraro seem to think that if a 46 year-old white guy was running for office he would be laughed at as too “wet behind the ears”, OK I don’t think Limbaugh or Ferraro have used the that term but it seems to be what they are thinking.    Of course we all know that being black is a huge advantage when running for POTUS, that is why their have been so many black presidents. 

At 46 Obama is not that young, in fact the only reason he seems young is that his competition is pretty old.  Most people at the age of 46 are entering the prime of their carreers.  McCain on the other hand at 72, is at an age where most people retire.  After watching McCain on the campaign trail he looks like he might be happier on the golf course than trying to figure out the difference between Sunni and Shiite. 

If age is an issue it seems like McCain is on the losing end of it.

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