Mending fences

Looks like the Clinton and Obama camps are starting to come together

Aronchick said that in his own discussions, he emphasized the need for the senator from Illinois to stop describing Clinton and her backers as representing the politics of the past.

“They need to understand how corrosive that has been among her supporters,” Aronchick said. “For this to work, they need to correct any impression that he thinks we represent the old ways of doing things or Washington Beltway ways of doing things.”

The article also had this part about possible VP choices:

“There’s gale-force pressure for Obama to choose a Clinton loyalist as a running mate to heal the party but avoid putting her and her formidable baggage on the ticket,” said one Obama ally in Washington. “You hear the names [Ohio Gov. Ted] Strickland, [Indiana Sen. Evan] Bayh, and [retired general] Wes Clark almost constantly, and it’s no secret that Jim Johnson and Tom Daschle are purveyors of that wisdom.”

The next few weeks should be pretty interesting to watch for political junkies.

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