The Wire

Pretty much the day after surgery I started watching season 2 of The Wire and I just finished season 4 last night.  Season 3 was probably the best, one of the funniest scenes had to be Snoop buying the nail gun.

Season 3 was also good in that it showed the potential if you legalize or at least decriminalize drugs.  Season 4 was good as well although in a more Marlo is a sociopath sort of way.  I see why people like Omar he is a great charactor.  Too bad they killed him off as you could almost see a movie being made around him. 

Hopefully something good happens to Bubbles in season 5, and Halce is an asshole.

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8 Responses to The Wire

  1. Halce? Sorry, I’ve been buried lately, unable to post anything in a long time

  2. John Rove says:

    Halce? the fat sargent bald white guy who blew the whistle on the drug zones in season 3 and didn’t help bubble out in season 4.
    I probably got the name wrong, I watched seasons 2 3 and 4 over a 2 day perid so I probably missed some stuff

  3. S. R. says:

    Been watching THE WIRE lately with the girlfriend via Netflix. Currently half way through season four. Just got spoiled on Omar. Damn! This show is magnificent.

  4. John Rove says:

    I think season 5 will be out sometime in August, I am looking forward to it.

  5. Sonicrusk says:

    Wire Season 5 comes out 8/12, I believe.

  6. If I had time to do it, I’d offer to burn the season out for you guys…they’re replaying episodes from S2 Deadwood & S5 Wire back to back on Saturday nights, and with both of them, I can sit and watch just about any episode…

    I’m glad you guys got to dig season 4…it really helps to make sense of what’s going on in our country. Thinking about having to grow up in a home w/ adult crackheads…it’s horrifying.

  7. Sonicrusk says:

    Season Four shows how the drug trade is not victimless. Maybe “Hamsterdam” shows how it can be less so. Both the GF and I get uneasy watching some of the S4 episodes. We’ll be finishing it up probably this Sunday since it is a slight addiction.

  8. John Rove says:

    I watched season 2 3 and 4 pretty much non-stop, the wire is pretty addictive.

    As far drugs being a victimless, I see how the addicts victimize the people around them, but it seems like that would happen whether drugs were legal or not. The illegality of drugs seems like it might make it harder to treat the addict.

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