One pooper-scoopers opinion of Hillary

In her latest incarnation Hillary Clinton has decided to become a working class hero. Her latest argument is that the white, working class loves her and they will support her in such droves that she is the only democrat who is electable.
As a member of the white working class, I pick up animal poop for a living, I wonder what world she lives on where the working class loves her. Most angry white guys are going to vote for McCain, I know this, because I know quite a few angry white guys and they are all McCain supporters. For some reason illary decided that if she could knock back a beer and a shot all the angry white guys in America would say “she is one of us”. It didn’t work for John Kerry when he shot a couple of birds and it wont work for Hillary either.
If you know a white guy with some college ask him who he supports for president, I will almost guarantee it is not Hillary. The working class persona is not going to work for Hillary any better than any of the other personalities she has used during this election season, the sooner she and the democratic party learn this the sooner the real election can begin.

On a related note:
I think that you will see enough super-delegates come over to Obama that he gets to 2025 delegates after his pledged delegates are added from the primaries on May 20th. This way it will look like he won the nomination on pledged delegates. I think this thing ends on May 20th. I have predicted the end a few times before, but this time I may be right. If all else fails the broken clock is right twice a day rule may finally catch up to me at some time.

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